Source code for moderngl_window.context.pyglet.window

import platform
import pyglet

# On OS X we need to disable the shadow context
# because the 2.1 shadow contect cannot be upgrade to a 3.3+ core
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
    pyglet.options['shadow_window'] = False

pyglet.options['debug_gl'] = False

from moderngl_window.context.pyglet.keys import Keys  # noqa: E402
from moderngl_window.context.base import BaseWindow  # noqa: E402

class Window(BaseWindow):
    Window based on Pyglet 1.4.x
    #: Pyglet specific key constants
    keys = Keys

    # pyglet button id -> universal button id
    _mouse_button_map = {
        1: 1,
        4: 2,
        2: 3,

[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) config = major_version=self.gl_version[0], minor_version=self.gl_version[1], forward_compatible=True, depth_size=24, double_buffer=True, sample_buffers=1 if self.samples > 1 else 0, samples=self.samples, ) if self.fullscreen: display = pyglet.canvas.get_display() screen = display.get_default_screen() self._width, self._height = screen.width, screen.height self._window = PygletWrapper( width=self.width, height=self.height, caption=self.title, resizable=self.resizable, vsync=self.vsync, fullscreen=self.fullscreen, config=config, ) self._window.set_mouse_visible(self.cursor) self._window.event(self.on_key_press) self._window.event(self.on_key_release) self._window.event(self.on_mouse_motion) self._window.event(self.on_mouse_drag) self._window.event(self.on_resize) self._window.event(self.on_mouse_press) self._window.event(self.on_mouse_release) self._window.event(self.on_mouse_scroll) self._window.event(self.on_text) self.init_mgl_context() self._buffer_width, self._buffer_height = self._window.get_framebuffer_size() self.set_default_viewport()
@property def is_closing(self) -> bool: """Check pyglet's internal exit state""" return self._window.has_exit or super().is_closing
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the pyglet window directly""" self._window.close() super().close()
[docs] def swap_buffers(self) -> None: """Swap buffers, increment frame counter and pull events""" self._window.flip() self._frames += 1 self._window.dispatch_events()
def _handle_modifiers(self, mods): """Update key modifier states""" self._modifiers.shift = mods & 1 == 1 self._modifiers.ctrl = mods & 2 == 2
[docs] def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers): """Pyglet specific key press callback. Forwards and translates the events to the standard methods. Args: symbol: The symbol of the pressed key modifiers: Modifier state (shift, ctrl etc.) """ self._key_pressed_map[symbol] = True self._handle_modifiers(modifiers) self._key_event_func(symbol, self.keys.ACTION_PRESS, self._modifiers)
[docs] def on_text(self, text): """Pyglet specific text input callback Forwards and translates the events to the standard methods. Args: text (str): The unicode character entered """ self._unicode_char_entered_func(text)
[docs] def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers): """Pyglet specific key release callback. Forwards and translates the events to standard methods. Args: symbol: The symbol of the pressed key modifiers: Modifier state (shift, ctrl etc.) """ self._key_pressed_map[symbol] = False self._handle_modifiers(modifiers) self._key_event_func(symbol, self.keys.ACTION_RELEASE, self._modifiers)
[docs] def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): """Pyglet specific mouse motion callback. Forwards and traslates the event to the standard methods. Args: x: x position of the mouse y: y position of the mouse dx: delta x position dy: delta y position of the mouse """ # NOTE: Screen coordinates relative to the lower-left corner # so we have to flip the y axis to make this consistent with # other window libraries self._mouse_position_event_func(x, self._buffer_height - y)
[docs] def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): """Pyglet specific mouse drag event. When a mouse button is pressed this is the only way to capture mouse posision events """ self._mouse_drag_event_func(x, self._buffer_height - y)
[docs] def on_mouse_press(self, x: int, y: int, button, mods): """Handle mouse press events and forward to standard methods Args: x: x position of the mouse when pressed y: y position of the mouse when pressed button: The pressed button mods: Modifiers """ button = self._mouse_button_map.get(button, None) if button is not None: self._handle_mouse_button_state_change(button, True) self._mouse_press_event_func( x, self._buffer_height - y, button, )
[docs] def on_mouse_release(self, x: int, y: int, button, mods): """Handle mouse release events and forward to standard methods Args: x: x position when moutse button was released y: y position when moutse button was released button: The button pressed mods: Modifiers """ button = self._mouse_button_map.get(button, None) if button is not None: self._handle_mouse_button_state_change(button, False) self._mouse_release_event_func( x, self._buffer_height - y, button, )
[docs] def on_mouse_scroll(self, x, y, x_offset: float, y_offset: float): """Handle mouse wheel. Args: x_offset (float): X scroll offset y_offset (float): Y scroll offset """ self.mouse_scroll_event_func(x_offset, y_offset)
[docs] def on_resize(self, width: int, height: int): """Pyglet specific callback for window resize events forwarding to standard methods Args: width: New window width height: New window height """ self._width, self._height = width, height self._buffer_width, self._buffer_height = self._window.get_framebuffer_size() self.set_default_viewport() super().resize(self._buffer_width, self._buffer_height)
[docs] def destroy(self): """Destroy the pyglet window""" pass
class PygletWrapper(pyglet.window.Window): """Block out some window methods so pyglet don't trigger GL errors""" def on_resize(self, width, height): """Block out the resize method. For some reason pyglet calls this triggering errors. """ pass def on_draw(self): """Block out the default draw method to avoid GL errors""" pass