Source code for

import time
from math import cos, radians, sin

import numpy
from pyrr import Vector3, Matrix44, vector, vector3

from moderngl_window.opengl.projection import Projection3D
from moderngl_window.context.base import BaseKeys

# Direction Definitions
LEFT = 2
UP = 5
DOWN = 6

# Movement Definitions

[docs]class Camera: """Simple camera class containing projection. .. code:: python # create a camera camera = Camera(fov=60.0, aspect_ratio=1.0, near=1.0, far=100.0) # Get the current camera matrix as numpy array print(camera.matrix) # Get projection matrix as numpy array print(camera.projection.matrix) """
[docs] def __init__(self, fov=60.0, aspect_ratio=1.0, near=1.0, far=100.0): """Initialize camera using a specific projection Keyword Args: fov (float): Field of view aspect_ratio (float): Aspect ratio near (float): Near plane far (float): Far plane """ self.position = Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # Default camera placement self.up = Vector3([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) self.right = Vector3([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.dir = Vector3([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]) # Yaw and Pitch self.yaw = -90.0 self.pitch = 0.0 # World up vector self._up = Vector3([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) # Projection self._projection = Projection3D(aspect_ratio, fov, near, far)
@property def projection(self): """:py:class:`~moderngl_window.opengl.projection.Projection3D`: The 3D projection""" return self._projection
[docs] def set_position(self, x, y, z) -> None: """Set the 3D position of the camera. Args: x (float): x position y (float): y position z (float): z position """ self.position = Vector3([x, y, z])
@property def matrix(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """numpy.ndarray: The current view matrix for the camera""" self._update_yaw_and_pitch() return self._gl_look_at(self.position, self.position + self.dir, self._up) def _update_yaw_and_pitch(self) -> None: """Updates the camera vectors based on the current yaw and pitch""" front = Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) front.x = cos(radians(self.yaw)) * cos(radians(self.pitch)) front.y = sin(radians(self.pitch)) front.z = sin(radians(self.yaw)) * cos(radians(self.pitch)) self.dir = vector.normalise(front) self.right = vector.normalise(vector3.cross(self.dir, self._up)) self.up = vector.normalise(vector3.cross(self.right, self.dir))
[docs] def look_at(self, vec=None, pos=None) -> numpy.ndarray: """Look at a specific point Either ``vec`` or ``pos`` needs to be supplied. Keyword Args: vec (pyrr.Vector3): position pos (tuple/list): list of tuple ``[x, y, x]`` / ``(x, y, x)`` Returns: numpy.ndarray: Camera matrix """ if pos is None: vec = Vector3(pos) if vec is None: raise ValueError("vector or pos must be set") return self._gl_look_at(self.position, vec, self._up)
def _gl_look_at(self, pos, target, up) -> numpy.ndarray: """The standard lookAt method. Args: pos: current position target: target position to look at up: direction up Returns: numpy.ndarray: The matrix """ z = vector.normalise(pos - target) x = vector.normalise(vector3.cross(vector.normalise(up), z)) y = vector3.cross(z, x) translate = Matrix44.identity(dtype='f4') translate[3][0] = -pos.x translate[3][1] = -pos.y translate[3][2] = -pos.z rotate = Matrix44.identity(dtype='f4') rotate[0][0] = x[0] # -- X rotate[1][0] = x[1] rotate[2][0] = x[2] rotate[0][1] = y[0] # -- Y rotate[1][1] = y[1] rotate[2][1] = y[2] rotate[0][2] = z[0] # -- Z rotate[1][2] = z[1] rotate[2][2] = z[2] return rotate * translate
[docs]class KeyboardCamera(Camera): """Camera controlled by mouse and keyboard. The class interacts with the key constants in the built in window types. Creating a keyboard camera: .. code:: python camera = KeyboardCamera( self.wnd.keys, fov=75.0, aspect_ratio=self.wnd.aspect_ratio, near=0.1, far=1000.0, ) We can also interact with the belonging :py:class:`~moderngl_window.opengl.projection.Projection3D` instance. .. code:: python # Update aspect ratio camera.projection.update(aspect_ratio=1.0) # Get projection matrix in bytes (f4) camera.projection.tobytes() """
[docs] def __init__(self, keys: BaseKeys, fov=60.0, aspect_ratio=1.0, near=1.0, far=100.0): """Initialize the camera Args: keys (BaseKeys): The key constants for the current window type Keyword Args: fov (float): Field of view aspect_ratio (float): Aspect ratio near (float): near plane far (float): far plane """ # Position movement states self.keys = keys self._xdir = STILL self._zdir = STILL self._ydir = STILL self._last_time = 0 self._last_rot_time = 0 # Velocity in axis units per second self._velocity = 10.0 self._mouse_sensitivity = 0.5 super().__init__(fov=fov, aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio, near=near, far=far)
@property def mouse_sensitivity(self) -> float: """float: Mouse sensitivity (rotation speed). This property can also be set:: camera.mouse_sensitivity = 2.5 """ return self._mouse_sensitivity @mouse_sensitivity.setter def mouse_sensitivity(self, value: float): self._mouse_sensitivity = value @property def velocity(self): """float: The speed this camera move based on key inputs The property can also be modified:: camera.velocity = 5.0 """ return self._velocity @velocity.setter def velocity(self, value: float): self._velocity = value
[docs] def key_input(self, key, action, modifiers) -> None: """Process key inputs and move camera Args: key: The key action: key action release/press modifiers: key modifier states such as ctrl or shit """ # Right if key == self.keys.D: if action == self.keys.ACTION_PRESS: self.move_right(True) elif action == self.keys.ACTION_RELEASE: self.move_right(False) # Left elif key == self.keys.A: if action == self.keys.ACTION_PRESS: self.move_left(True) elif action == self.keys.ACTION_RELEASE: self.move_left(False) # Forward elif key == self.keys.W: if action == self.keys.ACTION_PRESS: self.move_forward(True) if action == self.keys.ACTION_RELEASE: self.move_forward(False) # Backwards elif key == self.keys.S: if action == self.keys.ACTION_PRESS: self.move_backward(True) if action == self.keys.ACTION_RELEASE: self.move_backward(False) # UP elif key == self.keys.Q: if action == self.keys.ACTION_PRESS: self.move_down(True) if action == self.keys.ACTION_RELEASE: self.move_down(False) # Down elif key == self.keys.E: if action == self.keys.ACTION_PRESS: self.move_up(True) if action == self.keys.ACTION_RELEASE: self.move_up(False)
[docs] def move_left(self, activate) -> None: """The camera should be continiously moving to the left. Args: activate (bool): Activate or deactivate this state """ self.move_state(LEFT, activate)
[docs] def move_right(self, activate) -> None: """The camera should be continiously moving to the right. Args: activate (bool): Activate or deactivate this state """ self.move_state(RIGHT, activate)
[docs] def move_forward(self, activate) -> None: """The camera should be continiously moving forward. Args: activate (bool): Activate or deactivate this state """ self.move_state(FORWARD, activate)
[docs] def move_backward(self, activate) -> None: """The camera should be continiously moving backwards. Args: activate (bool): Activate or deactivate this state """ self.move_state(BACKWARD, activate)
[docs] def move_up(self, activate) -> None: """The camera should be continiously moving up. Args: activate (bool): Activate or deactivate this state """ self.move_state(UP, activate)
[docs] def move_down(self, activate): """The camera should be continiously moving down. Args: activate (bool): Activate or deactivate this state """ self.move_state(DOWN, activate)
[docs] def move_state(self, direction, activate) -> None: """Set the camera position move state. Args: direction: What direction to update activate: Start or stop moving in the direction """ if direction == RIGHT: self._xdir = POSITIVE if activate else STILL elif direction == LEFT: self._xdir = NEGATIVE if activate else STILL elif direction == FORWARD: self._zdir = NEGATIVE if activate else STILL elif direction == BACKWARD: self._zdir = POSITIVE if activate else STILL elif direction == UP: self._ydir = POSITIVE if activate else STILL elif direction == DOWN: self._ydir = NEGATIVE if activate else STILL
[docs] def rot_state(self, dx: int, dy: int) -> None: """Update the rotation of the camera. This is done by passing in the relative mouse movement change on x and y (delta x, delta y). In the past this method took the viewport position of the mouse. This does not work well when mouse exclusivity mode is enabled. Args: dx: Relative mouse position change on x dy: Relative mouse position change on y """ now = time.time() delta = now - self._last_rot_time self._last_rot_time = now # Greatly decrease the chance of camera popping. # This can happen when the mouse enters and leaves the window # or when getting focus again. if delta > 0.1 and max(abs(dx), abs(dy)) > 2: return dx *= self._mouse_sensitivity dy *= self._mouse_sensitivity self.yaw -= dx self.pitch += dy if self.pitch > 85.0: self.pitch = 85.0 if self.pitch < -85.0: self.pitch = -85.0 self._update_yaw_and_pitch()
@property def matrix(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """numpy.ndarray: The current view matrix for the camera""" # Use separate time in camera so we can move it when the demo is paused now = time.time() # If the camera has been inactive for a while, a large time delta # can suddenly move the camera far away from the scene t = max(now - self._last_time, 0) self._last_time = now # X Movement if self._xdir == POSITIVE: self.position += self.right * self._velocity * t elif self._xdir == NEGATIVE: self.position -= self.right * self._velocity * t # Z Movement if self._zdir == NEGATIVE: self.position += self.dir * self._velocity * t elif self._zdir == POSITIVE: self.position -= self.dir * self._velocity * t # Y Movement if self._ydir == POSITIVE: self.position += self.up * self._velocity * t elif self._ydir == NEGATIVE: self.position -= self.up * self._velocity * t return self._gl_look_at(self.position, self.position + self.dir, self._up)