Source code for moderngl_window.loaders.scene.gltf2

# Spec:
import base64
import io
import json
import logging
import struct
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy
from PIL import Image
from pyrr import Matrix44, quaternion

import moderngl
import moderngl_window

from moderngl_window.loaders.base import BaseLoader
from moderngl_window.loaders.texture import t2d
from moderngl_window.opengl.vao import VAO
from moderngl_window.meta import SceneDescription, TextureDescription
from moderngl_window.scene import Material, MaterialTexture, Mesh, Node, Scene
from moderngl_window.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


# Texture wrap values
REPEAT = 10497

# numpy dtype mapping
    5121: numpy.uint8,  # GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE
    5123: numpy.uint16,  # GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT
    5125: numpy.uint32,  # GL_UNSIGNED_INT
    5126: numpy.float32,  # GL_FLOAT

ComponentType = namedtuple('ComponentType', ['name', 'value', 'size'])

    5120: ComponentType("BYTE", 5120, 1),
    5121: ComponentType("UNSIGNED_BYTE", 5121, 1),
    5122: ComponentType("SHORT", 5122, 2),
    5123: ComponentType("UNSIGNED_SHORT", 5123, 2),
    5125: ComponentType("UNSIGNED_INT", 5125, 4),
    5126: ComponentType("FLOAT", 5126, 4),

# dtype to moderngl buffer format
    numpy.uint8: 'u1',  # GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE
    numpy.uint16: 'u2',  # GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT
    numpy.uint32: 'u4',  # GL_UNSIGNED_INT
    numpy.float32: 'f4',  # GL_FLOAT

    "SCALAR": 1,
    "VEC2": 2,
    "VEC3": 3,
    "VEC4": 4,

class Loader(BaseLoader):
    """Loader for GLTF 2.0 files"""
    kind = 'gltf'
    file_extensions = [
    #: Supported GLTF extensions
    supported_extensions = []

[docs] def __init__(self, meta: SceneDescription): """Initialize loading GLTF 2 scene. Supported formats: - gltf json format with external resources - gltf embedded buffers - glb Binary format """ super().__init__(meta) self.scenes = [] self.nodes = [] self.meshes = [] self.materials = [] self.images = [] self.samplers = [] self.textures = [] self.path = None self.scene = None self.gltf = None
[docs] def load(self) -> Scene: """Load a GLTF 2 scene including referenced textures. Returns: Scene: The scene instance """ self.path = self.find_scene(self.meta.path) if not self.path: raise ImproperlyConfigured("Scene '{}' not found".format(self.meta.path)) self.scene = Scene(self.path) # Load gltf json file if self.path.suffix == '.gltf': self.load_gltf() # Load binary gltf file if self.path.suffix == '.glb': self.load_glb() self.gltf.check_version() self.gltf.check_extensions(self.supported_extensions) self.load_images() self.load_samplers() self.load_textures() self.load_materials() self.load_meshes() self.load_nodes() self.scene.calc_scene_bbox() self.scene.prepare() return self.scene
[docs] def load_gltf(self): """Loads a gltf json file parsing its contents""" with open(str(self.path)) as fd: self.gltf = GLTFMeta(self.path, json.load(fd), self.meta)
[docs] def load_glb(self): """Loads a binary gltf file parsing its contents""" with open(str(self.path), 'rb') as fd: # Check header magic = if magic != GLTF_MAGIC_HEADER: raise ValueError("{} has incorrect header {} != {}".format(self.path, magic, GLTF_MAGIC_HEADER)) version = struct.unpack('<I',[0] if version != 2: raise ValueError("{} has unsupported version {}".format(self.path, version)) # Total file size including headers _ = struct.unpack('<I',[0] # noqa # Chunk 0 - json chunk_0_length = struct.unpack('<I',[0] chunk_0_type = if chunk_0_type != b'JSON': raise ValueError("Expected JSON chunk, not {} in file {}".format(chunk_0_type, self.path)) json_meta = # chunk 1 - binary buffer chunk_1_length = struct.unpack('<I',[0] chunk_1_type = if chunk_1_type != b'BIN\x00': raise ValueError("Expected BIN chunk, not {} in file {}".format(chunk_1_type, self.path)) self.gltf = GLTFMeta(self.path, json.loads(json_meta), self.meta,
[docs] def load_images(self): """Load images referenced in gltf metadata""" for image in self.gltf.images: self.images.append(image.load(self.path.parent))
[docs] def load_samplers(self): """Load samplers referenced in gltf metadata""" for sampler in self.gltf.samplers: # Use a sane default sampler if the sampler data is empty # Samplers can simply just be json data: "{}" if sampler.minFilter is sampler.magFilter is None: self.samplers.append( self.ctx.sampler( filter=(moderngl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, moderngl.LINEAR), repeat_x=False, repeat_y=False, anisotropy=16.0, ) ) else: self.samplers.append( self.ctx.sampler( filter=(sampler.minFilter, sampler.magFilter), repeat_x=sampler.wrapS in [REPEAT, MIRRORED_REPEAT], repeat_y=sampler.wrapT in [REPEAT, MIRRORED_REPEAT], anisotropy=16.0, ) )
[docs] def load_textures(self): """Load textures referenced in gltf metadata""" for texture_meta in self.gltf.textures: texture = MaterialTexture() if texture_meta.source is not None: texture.texture = self.images[texture_meta.source] if texture_meta.sampler is not None: texture.sampler = self.samplers[texture_meta.sampler] self.textures.append(texture)
[docs] def load_meshes(self): """Load meshes referenced in gltf metadata""" for meta_mesh in self.gltf.meshes: # Returns a list of meshes meshes = meta_mesh.load(self.materials) self.meshes.append(meshes) for mesh in meshes: self.scene.meshes.append(mesh)
[docs] def load_materials(self): """Load materials referenced in gltf metadata""" # Create material objects for meta_mat in self.gltf.materials: mat = Material( mat.color = meta_mat.baseColorFactor or [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] mat.double_sided = meta_mat.doubleSided if meta_mat.baseColorTexture is not None: mat.mat_texture = self.textures[meta_mat.baseColorTexture['index']] self.materials.append(mat) self.scene.materials.append(mat)
[docs] def load_nodes(self): """Load nodes referenced in gltf metadata""" # Start with root nodes in the scene for node_id in self.gltf.scenes[0].nodes: node = self.load_node(self.gltf.nodes[node_id]) self.scene.root_nodes.append(node)
[docs] def load_node(self, meta, parent=None): """Load a single node""" # Create the node node = Node( self.scene.nodes.append(node) if meta.matrix is not None: node.matrix = Matrix44(value=meta.matrix) if meta.mesh is not None: # Since we split up meshes with multiple primitives, this can be a list # If only one mesh we set it on the node as normal if len(self.meshes[meta.mesh]) == 1: node.mesh = self.meshes[meta.mesh][0] # If multiple meshes we add them as new child node elif len(self.meshes[meta.mesh]) > 1: for mesh in self.meshes[meta.mesh]: node.add_child(Node(mesh=mesh)) if is not None: # FIXME: Use a proper camera class = self.gltf.cameras[] if parent: parent.add_child(node) # Follow children if meta.has_children: for node_id in meta.children: self.load_node(self.gltf.nodes[node_id], parent=node) return node
class GLTFMeta: """Container for gltf metadata""" def __init__(self, path, data, meta, binary_buffer=None): """ :param file: GLTF file name loaded :param data: Metadata (json loaded) :param binary_buffer: Binary buffer when loading glb files """ self.path = path = data self.meta = meta self.asset = GLTFAsset(data['asset']) self.materials = [GLTFMaterial(m) for m in data['materials']] if data.get('materials') else [] self.images = [GLTFImage(i) for i in data['images']] if data.get('images') else [] self.samplers = [GLTFSampler(s) for s in data['samplers']] if data.get('samplers') else [] self.textures = [GLTFTexture(t) for t in data['textures']] if data.get('textures') else [] self.scenes = [GLTFScene(s) for s in data['scenes']] if data.get('scenes') else [] self.nodes = [GLTFNode(n) for n in data['nodes']] if data.get('nodes') else [] self.meshes = [GLTFMesh(m, self.meta) for m in data['meshes']] if data.get('meshes') else [] self.cameras = [GLTFCamera(c) for c in data['cameras']] if data.get('cameras') else [] self.buffer_views = [GLTFBufferView(i, v) for i, v in enumerate(data['bufferViews'])] \ if data.get('bufferViews') else [] self.buffers = [GLTFBuffer(i, b, self.path.parent) for i, b in enumerate(data['buffers'])] \ if data.get('buffers') else [] self.accessors = [GLTFAccessor(i, a) for i, a in enumerate(data['accessors'])] \ if data.get('accessors') else [] # glb files can contain buffer 0 data if binary_buffer: self.buffers[0].data = binary_buffer self._link_data() self.buffers_exist() self.images_exist() def _link_data(self): """Add references""" # accessors -> buffer_views -> buffers for acc in self.accessors: acc.bufferView = self.buffer_views[acc.bufferViewId] for buffer_view in self.buffer_views: buffer_view.buffer = self.buffers[buffer_view.bufferId] # Link accessors to mesh primitives for mesh in self.meshes: for primitive in mesh.primitives: if getattr(primitive, "indices", None) is not None: primitive.indices = self.accessors[primitive.indices] for name, value in primitive.attributes.items(): primitive.attributes[name] = self.accessors[value] # Link buffer views to images for image in self.images: if image.bufferViewId is not None: image.bufferView = self.buffer_views[image.bufferViewId] @property def version(self): return self.asset.version def check_version(self, required='2.0'): if not self.version == required: msg = "GLTF Format version is not 2.0. Version states '{}' in file {}".format( self.version, self.path, ) raise ValueError(msg) def check_extensions(self, supported): """ "extensionsRequired": ["KHR_draco_mesh_compression"], "extensionsUsed": ["KHR_draco_mesh_compression"] """ if'extensionsRequired'): for ext in'extensionsRequired'): if ext not in supported: raise ValueError("Extension {} not supported".format(ext)) if'extensionsUsed'): for ext in'extensionsUsed'): if ext not in supported: raise ValueError("Extension {} not supported".format(ext)) def buffers_exist(self): """Checks if the bin files referenced exist""" for buff in self.buffers: if not buff.is_separate_file: continue path = self.path.parent / buff.uri if not path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("Buffer {} referenced in {} not found".format(path, self.path)) def images_exist(self): """checks if the images references in textures exist""" pass class GLTFAsset: """Asset Information""" def __init__(self, data): self.version = data.get('version') self.generator = data.get('generator') self.copyright = data.get('copyright') class GLTFMesh: def __init__(self, data: dict, meta: SceneDescription): class Primitives: def __init__(self, data): self.attributes = data.get('attributes') self.indices = data.get('indices') self.mode = data.get('mode') self.material = data.get('material') self.meta = meta = data.get('name') self.primitives = [Primitives(p) for p in data.get('primitives')] def load(self, materials): name_map = { 'POSITION': self.meta.attr_names.POSITION, 'NORMAL': self.meta.attr_names.NORMAL, 'TEXCOORD_0': self.meta.attr_names.TEXCOORD_0, 'TANGENT': self.meta.attr_names.TANGENT, 'JOINTS_0': self.meta.attr_names.JOINTS_0, 'WEIGHTS_0': self.meta.attr_names.WEIGHTS_0, 'COLOR_0': self.meta.attr_names.COLOR_0, } meshes = [] # Read all primitives as separate meshes for now # According to the spec they can have different materials and vertex format for primitive in self.primitives: vao = VAO(, mode=primitive.mode or moderngl.TRIANGLES) # Index buffer component_type, index_vbo = self.load_indices(primitive) if index_vbo is not None: vao.index_buffer( moderngl_window.ctx().buffer(index_vbo.tobytes()), index_element_size=component_type.size, ) attributes = {} vbos = self.prepare_attrib_mapping(primitive) for vbo_info in vbos: dtype, buffer = vbo_info.create() vao.buffer( buffer, " ".join(["{}{}".format(attr[1], DTYPE_BUFFER_TYPE[dtype]) for attr in vbo_info.attributes]), [name_map[attr[0]] for attr in vbo_info.attributes], ) for attr in vbo_info.attributes: attributes[attr[0]] = { 'name': name_map[attr[0]], 'components': attr[1], 'type': vbo_info.component_type.value, } bbox_min, bbox_max = self.get_bbox(primitive) meshes.append(Mesh(, vao=vao, attributes=attributes, material=materials[primitive.material] if primitive.material is not None else None, bbox_min=bbox_min, bbox_max=bbox_max, )) return meshes def load_indices(self, primitive): """Loads the index buffer / polygon list for a primitive""" if getattr(primitive, "indices") is None: return None, None _, component_type, buffer = return component_type, buffer def prepare_attrib_mapping(self, primitive): """Pre-parse buffer mappings for each VBO to detect interleaved data for a primitive""" buffer_info = [] for name, accessor in primitive.attributes.items(): info = VBOInfo(* info.attributes.append((name, info.components)) if buffer_info and buffer_info[-1].buffer_view == info.buffer_view: if buffer_info[-1].interleaves(info): buffer_info[-1].merge(info) continue buffer_info.append(info) return buffer_info def get_bbox(self, primitive): """Get the bounding box for the mesh""" accessor = primitive.attributes.get('POSITION') return accessor.min, accessor.max class VBOInfo: """Resolved data about each VBO""" def __init__(self, buffer=None, buffer_view=None, byte_length=None, byte_offset=None, component_type=None, components=None, count=None): self.buffer = buffer # reference to the buffer self.buffer_view = buffer_view self.byte_length = byte_length # Raw byte buffer length self.byte_offset = byte_offset # Raw byte offset self.component_type = component_type # Datatype of each component self.components = components self.count = count # number of elements of the component type size # list of (name, components) tuples self.attributes = [] def interleaves(self, info): """Does the buffer interleave with this one?""" return info.byte_offset == self.component_type.size * self.components def merge(self, info): # NOTE: byte length is the same self.components += info.components self.attributes += info.attributes def create(self): """Create the VBO""" dtype = NP_COMPONENT_DTYPE[self.component_type.value] data = numpy.frombuffer(, byte_offset=self.byte_offset), count=self.count * self.components, dtype=dtype, ) return dtype, data def __str__(self): return "VBOInfo<buffer={}, buffer_view={},\n" \ " length={}, offset={}, \n" \ " component_type={}, components={}, count={}, \n" \ " attribs={}".format(,,, self.byte_length, self.byte_offset, self.component_type.value, self.components, self.count, self.attributes) def __repr__(self): return str(self) class GLTFAccessor: def __init__(self, accessor_id, data): = accessor_id self.bufferViewId = data.get('bufferView') or 0 self.bufferView = None self.byteOffset = data.get('byteOffset') or 0 self.componentType = COMPONENT_TYPE[data['componentType']] self.count = data.get('count') self.min = numpy.array(data.get('min') or [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], dtype='f4') self.max = numpy.array(data.get('max') or [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], dtype='f4') self.type = data.get('type') def read(self): """ Reads buffer data :return: component count, component type, data """ # ComponentType helps us determine the datatype dtype = NP_COMPONENT_DTYPE[self.componentType.value] return ACCESSOR_TYPE[self.type], self.componentType, byte_offset=self.byteOffset, dtype=dtype, count=self.count * ACCESSOR_TYPE[self.type], ) def info(self): """ Get underlying buffer info for this accessor :return: buffer, byte_length, byte_offset, component_type, count """ buffer, byte_length, byte_offset = return buffer, self.bufferView, \ byte_length, byte_offset, \ self.componentType, ACCESSOR_TYPE[self.type], self.count class GLTFBufferView: def __init__(self, view_id, data): = view_id self.bufferId = data.get('buffer') self.buffer = None self.byteOffset = data.get('byteOffset') or 0 self.byteLength = data.get('byteLength') self.byteStride = data.get('byteStride') or 0 # Valid: 34962 (ARRAY_BUFFER) and 34963 (ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) or None def read(self, byte_offset=0, dtype=None, count=0): data = byte_offset=byte_offset + self.byteOffset, byte_length=self.byteLength, ) vbo = numpy.frombuffer(data, count=count, dtype=dtype) return vbo def read_raw(self): return, byte_offset=self.byteOffset) def info(self, byte_offset=0): """ Get the underlying buffer info :param byte_offset: byte offset from accessor :return: buffer, byte_length, byte_offset """ return self.buffer, self.byteLength, byte_offset + self.byteOffset class GLTFBuffer: def __init__(self, buffer_id, data, path): = buffer_id self.path = path self.byteLength = data.get('byteLength') self.uri = data.get('uri') = None @property def has_data_uri(self): """Is data embedded in json?""" if not self.uri: return False return self.uri.startswith("data:") @property def is_separate_file(self): """Buffer represents an independent bin file?""" return self.uri is not None and not self.has_data_uri def open(self): if return if self.has_data_uri: = base64.b64decode(self.uri[self.uri.find(',') + 1:]) return with open(str(self.path / self.uri), 'rb') as fd: = def read(self, byte_offset=0, byte_length=0): return[byte_offset:byte_offset + byte_length] class GLTFScene: def __init__(self, data): self.nodes = data['nodes'] class GLTFNode: def __init__(self, data): = data.get('name') self.children = data.get('children') self.matrix = data.get('matrix') self.mesh = data.get('mesh') = data.get('camera') self.translation = data.get('translation') self.rotation = data.get('rotation') self.scale = data.get('scale') if self.matrix: self.matrix = Matrix44(self.matrix) else: self.matrix = Matrix44.identity() if self.translation is not None: self.matrix = self.matrix * Matrix44.from_translation(self.translation) if self.rotation is not None: quat = quaternion.create( x=self.rotation[0], y=self.rotation[1], z=self.rotation[2], w=self.rotation[3], ) self.matrix = self.matrix * Matrix44.from_quaternion(quat).transpose() if self.scale is not None: self.matrix = self.matrix * Matrix44.from_scale(self.scale) @property def has_children(self): return self.children is not None and len(self.children) > 0 @property def is_resource_node(self): """Is this just a reference node to a resource?""" return is not None or self.mesh is not None class GLTFMaterial: def __init__(self, data): = data.get('name') # Defaults to true if not defined self.doubleSided = data.get('doubleSided') or True pbr = data['pbrMetallicRoughness'] self.baseColorFactor = pbr.get('baseColorFactor') self.baseColorTexture = pbr.get('baseColorTexture') self.metallicFactor = pbr.get('metallicFactor') self.emissiveFactor = data.get('emissiveFactor') class GLTFImage: """ Represent texture data. May be a file, embedded data or pointer to data in bufferview """ def __init__(self, data): self.uri = data.get('uri') self.bufferViewId = data.get('bufferView') self.bufferView = None self.mimeType = data.get('mimeType') def load(self, path): #  # Image is stored in bufferView if self.bufferView is not None: image = # Image is embedded elif self.uri and self.uri.startswith('data:'): data = self.uri[self.uri.find(',') + 1:] image ="Loading embedded image") else: path = path / self.uri"Loading: %s", self.uri) image = texture = t2d.Loader(TextureDescription( label="gltf", image=image, flip=False, mipmap=True, anisotropy=16.0, )).load() return texture class GLTFTexture: def __init__(self, data): self.sampler = data.get('sampler') self.source = data.get('source') class GLTFSampler: def __init__(self, data): self.magFilter = data.get('magFilter') self.minFilter = data.get('minFilter') self.wrapS = data.get('wrapS') self.wrapT = data.get('wrapT') class GLTFCamera: def __init__(self, data): = data # "perspective": { # "aspectRatio": 1.0, # "yfov": 0.266482561826706, # "zfar": 1000000.0, # "znear": 0.04999999701976776 # }, # "type": "perspective"