Source code for moderngl_window

General helper functions aiding in the boostrapping of this library.
# pylint: disable = redefined-outer-name, too-few-public-methods
import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys
import weakref

from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Type

import moderngl
from moderngl_window.context.base import WindowConfig, BaseWindow
from moderngl_window.timers.clock import Timer
from moderngl_window.conf import settings
from moderngl_window.utils.module_loading import import_string

__version__ = "2.3.0"


# Add new windows classes here to be recognized by the command line option --window
WINDOW_CLASSES = ["glfw", "headless", "pygame2", "pyglet", "pyqt5", "pyside2", "sdl2", "tk"]

OPTIONS_TRUE = ["yes", "on", "true", "t", "y", "1"]
OPTIONS_FALSE = ["no", "off", "false", "f", "n", "0"]

# Quick and dirty debug logging setup by default
# See:
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def setup_basic_logging(level: int): """Set up basic logging Args: level (int): The log level """ if level is None: return # Do not add a new handler if we already have one if not logger.handlers: logger.propagate = False logger.setLevel(level) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch.setFormatter( logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") ) logger.addHandler(ch)
class ContextRefs: """Namespace for window/context references""" WINDOW = None CONTEXT = None
[docs]def activate_context(window: BaseWindow = None, ctx: moderngl.Context = None): """ Register the active window and context. If only a window is supplied the context is taken from the window. Only a context can also be passed in. Keyword Args: window (window): The window to activate ctx (moderngl.Context): The moderngl context to activate """ ContextRefs.WINDOW = window ContextRefs.CONTEXT = ctx if not ctx: ContextRefs.CONTEXT = window.ctx
[docs]def window(): """Obtain the active window""" if ContextRefs.WINDOW: return ContextRefs.WINDOW raise ValueError("No active window and context. Call activate_window.")
[docs]def ctx(): """Obtain the active context""" if ContextRefs.CONTEXT: return ContextRefs.CONTEXT raise ValueError("No active window and context. Call activate_window.")
[docs]def get_window_cls(window: str = None) -> Type[BaseWindow]: """ Attempt to obtain a window class using the full dotted python path. This can be used to import custom or modified window classes. Args: window (str): Name of the window Returns: A reference to the requested window class. Raises exception if not found. """"Attempting to load window class: %s", window) return import_string(window)
[docs]def get_local_window_cls(window: str = None) -> Type[BaseWindow]: """ Attempt to obtain a window class in the moderngl_window package using short window names such as ``pyglet`` or ``glfw``. Args: window (str): Name of the window Returns: A reference to the requested window class. Raises exception if not found. """ window = os.environ.get("MODERNGL_WINDOW") or window if not window: window = "pyglet" return get_window_cls("moderngl_window.context.{}.Window".format(window))
[docs]def find_window_classes() -> List[str]: """ Find available window packages Returns: A list of available window packages """ # In some environments we cannot rely on introspection # and instead return a hardcoded list try: return [[-1] for path in Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("context").iterdir() if path.is_dir() and[-1] not in IGNORE_DIRS ] except Exception: return WINDOW_CLASSES
[docs]def create_window_from_settings() -> BaseWindow: """ Creates a window using configured values in :py:attr:`moderngl_window.conf.Settings.WINDOW`. This will also activate the window/context. Returns: The Window instance """ window_cls = import_string(settings.WINDOW["class"]) window = window_cls(**settings.WINDOW) activate_context(window=window) return window
# --- The simple window config system ---
[docs]def run_window_config(config_cls: WindowConfig, timer=None, args=None) -> None: """ Run an WindowConfig entering a blocking main loop Args: config_cls: The WindowConfig class to render Keyword Args: timer: A custom timer instance args: Override sys.args """ setup_basic_logging(config_cls.log_level) parser = create_parser() config_cls.add_arguments(parser) values = parse_args(args=args, parser=parser) config_cls.argv = values window_cls = get_local_window_cls(values.window) # Calculate window size size = values.size or config_cls.window_size size = int(size[0] * values.size_mult), int(size[1] * values.size_mult) # Resolve cursor show_cursor = values.cursor if show_cursor is None: show_cursor = config_cls.cursor window = window_cls( title=config_cls.title, size=size, fullscreen=config_cls.fullscreen or values.fullscreen, resizable=values.resizable if values.resizable is not None else config_cls.resizable, gl_version=config_cls.gl_version, aspect_ratio=config_cls.aspect_ratio, vsync=values.vsync if values.vsync is not None else config_cls.vsync, samples=values.samples if values.samples is not None else config_cls.samples, cursor=show_cursor if show_cursor is not None else True, ) window.print_context_info() activate_context(window=window) timer = timer or Timer() config = config_cls(ctx=window.ctx, wnd=window, timer=timer) # Avoid the event assigning in the property setter for now # We want the even assigning to happen in WindowConfig.__init__ # so users are free to assign them in their own __init__. window._config = weakref.ref(config) # Swap buffers once before staring the main loop. # This can trigged additional resize events reporting # a more accurate buffer size window.swap_buffers() window.set_default_viewport() timer.start() while not window.is_closing: current_time, delta = timer.next_frame() if config.clear_color is not None: window.clear(*config.clear_color) # Always bind the window framebuffer before calling render window.use() window.render(current_time, delta) if not window.is_closing: window.swap_buffers() _, duration = timer.stop() window.destroy() if duration > 0: "Duration: {0:.2f}s @ {1:.2f} FPS".format( duration, window.frames / duration ) )
[docs]def create_parser(): """Create an argparser parsing the standard arguments for WindowConfig""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-wnd", "--window", choices=find_window_classes(), help="Name for the window type to use", ) parser.add_argument( "-fs", "--fullscreen", action="store_true", help="Open the window in fullscreen mode", ) parser.add_argument( "-vs", "--vsync", type=valid_bool, help="Enable or disable vsync", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--resizable", type=valid_bool, default=None, help="Enable/disable window resize", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--samples", type=int, help="Specify the desired number of samples to use for multisampling", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--cursor", type=valid_bool, help="Enable or disable displaying the mouse cursor", ) parser.add_argument( "--size", type=valid_window_size, help="Window size", ) parser.add_argument( "--size_mult", type=valid_window_size_multiplier, default=1.0, help="Multiplier for the window size making it easy scale the window", ) return parser
[docs]def parse_args(args=None, parser=None): """Parse arguments from sys.argv Passing in your own argparser can be user to extend the parser. Keyword Args: args: override for sys.argv parser: Supply your own argparser instance """ parser = parser or create_parser() return parser.parse_args(args or sys.argv[1:])
# --- Validators --- def valid_bool(value): """Validator for bool values""" value = value.lower() if value is None: return None if value in OPTIONS_TRUE: return True if value in OPTIONS_FALSE: return False raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "Boolean value expected. Options: {}".format(OPTIONS_ALL) ) def valid_window_size(value): """ Validator for window size parameter. Valid format is "[int]x[int]". For example "1920x1080". """ try: width, height = value.split("x") return int(width), int(height) except ValueError: pass raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "Valid size format: int]x[int]. Example '1920x1080'", ) def valid_window_size_multiplier(value): """Validates window size multiplier Must be an integer or float greater than 0 """ try: val = float(value) if val > 0: return val except ValueError: pass raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Must be a positive int or float",)