Source code for moderngl_window.utils.scheduler

import sched
import time
from moderngl_window.timers.base import BaseTimer

class Scheduler:
[docs] def __init__(self, timer: BaseTimer): """Create a Scheduler object to handle events. Args: timer (BaseTimer): timer to use, subclass of BaseTimer. Raises: ValueError: timer is not a valid argument. """ if not isinstance(timer, BaseTimer): raise ValueError( "timer, {}, has to be a instance of BaseTimer or a callable!".format( timer ) ) self._events = dict() self._event_id = 0 self._scheduler = sched.scheduler(lambda: timer.time, time.sleep)
[docs] def run_once( self, action, delay: float, *, priority: int = 1, arguments=(), kwargs=dict() ) -> int: """Schedule a function for execution after a delay. Args: action (callable): function to be called. delay (float): delay in seconds. priority (int, optional): priority for this event, lower is more important. Defaults to 1. arguments (tuple, optional): arguments for the action. Defaults to (). kwargs (dict, optional): keyword arguments for the action. Defaults to dict(). Returns: int: event id that can be canceled. """ event = self._scheduler.enter(delay, priority, action, arguments, kwargs) self._events[self._event_id] = event self._event_id += 1 return self._event_id - 1
[docs] def run_at( self, action, time: float, *, priority: int = 1, arguments=(), kwargs=dict() ) -> int: """Schedule a function to be executed at a certain time. Args: action (callable): function to be called. time (float): epoch time at which the function should be called. priority (int, optional): priority for this event, lower is more important. Defaults to 1. arguments (tuple, optional): arguments for the action. Defaults to (). kwargs (dict, optional): keyword arguments for the action. Defaults to dict(). Returns: int: event id that can be canceled. """ event = self._scheduler.enterabs(time, priority, action, arguments, kwargs) self._events[self._event_id] = event self._event_id += 1 return self._event_id - 1
[docs] def run_every( self, action, delay: float, *, priority: int = 1, initial_delay: float = 0.0, arguments=(), kwargs=dict() ) -> int: """Schedule a recurring function to be called every `delay` seconds after a initial delay. Args: action (callable): function to be called. delay (float): delay in seconds. priority (int, optional): priority for this event, lower is more important. Defaults to 1. initial_delay (float, optional): initial delay in seconds before executing for the first time. Defaults to 0. arguments (tuple, optional): arguments for the action. Defaults to (). kwargs (dict, optional): keyword arguments for the action. Defaults to dict(). Returns: int: event id that can be canceled. """ recurring_event = self._recurring_event_factory( action, arguments, kwargs, (delay, priority), self._event_id ) event = self._scheduler.enter(initial_delay, priority, recurring_event) self._events[self._event_id] = event self._event_id += 1 return self._event_id - 1
def _recurring_event_factory( self, function, arguments, kwargs, scheduling_info, id ): """Factory for creating recurring events that will reschedule themselves. Args: function (callable): function to be called. arguments (tuple): arguments for the function. kwargs (dict): keyword arguments for the function. scheduling_info (tuple): tuple of information for scheduling the task. id (int): event id this event should be assigned to. """ def _f(): function(*arguments, **kwargs) event = self._scheduler.enter(*scheduling_info, _f) self._events[id] = event return _f
[docs] def execute(self) -> None: """Run the scheduler without blocking and execute any expired events. """
[docs] def cancel(self, event_id: int, delay: float = 0) -> None: """Cancel a previously scheduled event. Args: event_id (int): event to be canceled delay (float, optional): delay before canceling the event. Defaults to 0. """ if delay == 0: self._cancel(event_id) else: self.run_once(self._cancel, delay, priority=0, arguments=(event_id,))
def _cancel(self, event_id: int): if event_id not in self._events: raise ValueError( "Recurring event with id {} does not exist".format(event_id) ) event = self._events.pop(event_id) self._scheduler.cancel(event)