
Installing with pip

moderngl-window is available on PyPI:

pip install moderngl-window

Optional Dependencies

We try to have as few requirements as possible and instead offer optional dependencies. You can create your own window types and loaders and don’t want to force installing unnecessary dependencies.

By default we install pyglet as this is the default window type as it small and pretty much work out of the box on all platforms.

Optional dependencies for loaders:

# Wavefront / obj loading
pip install moderngl-window[pywavefront]
# STL loading
pip install moderngl-window[trimesh]

Installing dependencies for window types:

pip install moderngl-window[PySide2]
pip install moderngl-window[pyqt5]
pip install moderngl-window[glfw]
pip install moderngl-window[PySDL2]

Installing optional dependencies this way should ensure a compatible version is installed.

For glfw and sdl2 windows you also need install the library itself. Thees are also available as packages on linux and homebrew on OS X. For windows the DLLs can simply be placed in the root of your project.

Installing from source

# clone repo (optionally clone over https)
git clone
cd moderngl-window

# Create your virtualenv and activate
# We assume the user knows how to work with virtualenvs

# Install moderngl-window in editable mode
pip install -e .

# Install optional dev dependencies
pip install -e .[dev]
pip install -e .[docs]

Installing the package in editable mode will make you able to run tests and examples. We highly recommend using virtualenvs.

Running examples

Assuming you installed from source you should be able to run the examples in the examples directory directly after installing the dev requirements in the root of the project.

Running tests

Assuming dev requirements are installed.

Run tests with tox:
